Welcoming Elijah

The fourth and final cup of wine is now filled.  A additional cup of wine is poured in honor of the Prophet Elijah. Tradition says that Elijah, who it is believed will precede the arrival of the Messiah, makes an appearance at every Seder.  We traditionally open (a child) a door to the home to allow Elijah to enter and sing the song Eliyahu Hanavi:

Elijah the Prophet, Elijah the Tishbite, Elijah the Giladite, may he some speedily to us in our days along with Messia the son of Daivid.  The door is opened and the Hallel continues as we praise our God for redeeming our ancestors from Egypt and his coninuous protection.  

Note:  As some are Christians, this is what we believe and written in the New Testamen. 

Before the birth of John the Baptist, an angel of the Lord said,  "And he will go out ahead of Adonai, in the spirit and power of Eliyahu... to amme ready or Adonai a people prepared.  (Luke 1:17)

Later Jesus spoke ov John:  "Indeed, if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah, whose oming was predicted.  (Matthew 11:14)

haggadah Section: Hallel