Good evening.

Tonight, we celebrate the liberation of ancient Israel from ancient Egypt, an event some 3,000 to 3,500 years ago. There have been numerous enslavements and liberations since then, but it seems that the strongest memories are of the first time around!

So, tonight, let us not only remember when we were slaves in Egypt.

Let us remember when we were oppressed in medieval Spain and Germany. 

Let us remember when we were under the thumb of the Russian Tsars.

Let us remember when Nebuchadnezzar and the Romans toppled the Temples in Jerusalem.

Let us remember, also, the scourge of Nazi Germany.

But let us remember that we were liberated from Egypt, that we discovered Poland and Holland, that we came to the golden shores of America.

And, last but certainly not least, that we rediscovered Eretz Israel, and made a home there, and clashed with Egypt, and made peace with that country. In a sense, then, Jews have come full circle!

Yet, even today, there are people who are not free. People oppressed under evil laws. People in countries where they are not allowed to convert to other religions. People in countries where they are not allowed to practice their religion as they see fit. 

Let us look forward, then, and pray to God for the time when all shall be free, bayom hahu. 


haggadah Section: Introduction