Welcome to our Seder! Tonight we have invited family from accross the nation joining us via Zoom! I am so happy we have the opportunity and blessing to celebrate together, even from afar. This is a haggadah I put together in 2017, that focuses on the themes of refugees and women's empowerment. We will not go through the whole seder, rather we will touch a few highlights and then spend time together virtually.

Passover is a story of resillience and overcoming adversity, which are themes we need now more than ever. It is also a story of freedom from oppression. It is important to remember that while we have the opportunity and blessing to stay home during this Pandemic, others who are fleeing oppression do not have that comfort. 

Tonight is a time to celebrate and come together as a family. Thank you for joining us to celebrate this important holiday!

haggadah Section: Introduction