Hello friend:

Thank you for joining us at TRIBE (IKAR 20's & 30's).

This seder is a labor of love, a culmination of 8 months of community building, 6 weeks of bla bla bla, and bla bla all the hands and works.

The theme we're offering for the seder is "embodiment":
As we move through this ritual meal we're going to be interacting with the story with all our senses, individually and with each other. This ancient ritual allows us to bring an old story into the present with our bodies and our words.

Breaking apart, coming together, hunting, searching: the afikomen is a live example of this exploration. We encourage you to question yourselves, question our traditions & stories, and question where you see yourself in the Exodus story.

whoever enlarges on the telling of the Exodus is praiseworthy

haggadah Section: Introduction