Welcome! This Haggadah will be your guide for tonight's Seder.  Haggadah  is Hebrew for the telling.  This evening in about telling the story of the Jewish people's journey from slavery to freedom thousands of years ago, and reminds us to draw on the lessons of bondage, wandering and exile throughout the year.  Seder  means  order.  there is a particular order in which we tell the story, designed to engage all participants, both young and old. The remarkable thing is that we have been telling this story pretty much the same way for 2,000 years! the underlying reason for this consistent retelling is best summed up in the words of Emma Lazarus, "Until all of us are free, none of us is free.: 

As you look around, you will see a table filled with several symbolic items that help tell and reinforce the story. There are Seder plates, holding a number of culinary curiosities, wine cups for everyone, a special cup for Elijah and a covered plate concealing three Matzahs. Each symbol is based either on one of two thremes- the experience of being a slave, or the joy of being free- or textual references from the Torah. 

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: diyseder.com