Welcome to our Family Seder! Again this year our Seder is unfortunately changed by COVID-19. We can't all be together, we continue to wait to meet baby Aiden and we will all be staring at a screen this evening. On the flip side, here in the states, the Vaccine is allowing some of us to be together and we hope that it is only a matter of weeks until our Canadian family will enjoy the same experience. And lastly, we pray that next year we will all be together with an open border! 

Throughout the Seder, we will share our family traditions, enjoy holiday foods and all participate to make this a meaningful experience for all. 

As we celebrate Passover together, let us honor the Healthcare heros that continue to be on the front line, thank those that work to educate us, and remain grateful for the individuals who work to supply food and provide other essentials.  

As we break the matza, we think of those whose lives have been split apart; effected by this terrible disease. 

As we eat and tell the Passover story, we typically recline on our sides -- symbolizing freedom. This year, as we lean, we remind ourselves that only by leaning on each other will we make it through.

And finally, as we open our door for Elijah, we look forward to when we will be able to welcome our families and friends back into our homes with a warm embrace.

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: Avi Weiss, The Times of Israel (Adapted by Liz)