What is a Passover seder?

A seder is a dinner/service/reenactment of the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt, where they had been enslaved for hundreds of years. 

During Passover, many Jews relive this experience of obtaining freedom by refraining from eating leavened bread, just like the Israelites, who left Egypt in such a hurry that they weren’t able to wait for their bread to rise. 

The story of Passover is also one of women’s resilience and power:

  • Of the midwives Shiphrah and Puah, who refused the Pharaoh’s order to secretly kill newborn Israelite boys, saving countless lives a great danger to themselves.

  • Of Moses’ mother, Jochebed, who gave up her son so that he could survive.

  • Of the Pharaoh’s daughter, who saved Moses from the river and raised him as her own.

  • Of Miriam, Moses’ sister, who marshaled the Israelites and gave them hope.

  • Of Zipporah, Moses’ wife, who left her people to help Moses save his. 

haggadah Section: Introduction