Welcome, one and all, to the Smith College Jewish Community Passover Seder 2018! Chag pesach sameach and shabbat shalom (happy passover and a restful shabbat)! We hope this seder provides opportunities for comfort, growth, and inspiration. We welcome you into this vibrant community and hope that each of you find spiritual and/or personal meaning in our shared rituals.

Tonight, let's experience the joy of tradition and tradition of joy in celebrating our liberation from enslavement in Mitzrayim, which literally means the narrow place. In the spirit of the Exdous, we will discuss our vision for a liberated, just, and peaceful world. Inspired by the fearless actions of some leaders and many everyday heroes, and specifically the DACA Rally: Jewish Community and Dreamers Stand Together held last month at Northampton City Hall, we will focus on the imperative of immigrant rights. We stand with youth activists from Northampton, Parkland, and all across the country and world fighting for justice.

While seder literally means order, our Haggadah is not static. It is the product of inspiration from SCJC, other Haggadot, the feelings of our own hearts, and is open to further growth and interpretation. 

Please enjoy questioning, listening, singing, and, of course, eating!

-Sarah Biskowitz, Eden Glaser, and Hunter Myers

haggadah Section: Introduction