
Hello friend,

Thank you for joining us at TRIBE's third annual seder! This meal is a labor of love, and we're thrilled to be sharing community with you.

For this seder, we're offering the theme of EMBODIMENT. We're gathered here, tonight, to retell the story of our ancestors' escape from narrowness to liberation. Through our bodies and words, we'll be conjuring their experience, so we can illuminate the present moment by the light of their journey.

The ritual of Pesach is not an easy lift. It's full of blessings, details, proper sequencing, seemingly arcane meanings. These rules can feel like dead weight. Or, they can be a container for our hopes and fears, our sorrows and joys.

As we move through the seder's elaborate steps, we invite you to be aware of both your physical and emotional body. We'll be breaking matzah, washing hands, dipping our fingers in wine — and, eventually, filling our hungry bellies with food. Where does the ritual resonate with you? Where does it leave you feeling curious, compassionate, or cold? Where do you feel burdened by this practice, and where the practice actually open up space for newness?

Tonight, we encourage you to question yourselves, our traditions, and our stories. There's a rabbinic saying that whoever enlarges on the telling of the Exodus story is praiseworthy. So that's our work tonight: to make the story of Exodus larger, to stretch it wide enough to hold our own experiences.

In so doing, our generation can make new the promise of liberation.

Thank you for being here. We hope you enjoy your experience.

With love,
The TRIBE Seder Team


haggadah Section: Introduction