
We who believe in freedom cannot rest
We who believe in freedom cannot rest until it comes


Until the killing of Black men, Black mothers' sons
Is as important as the killing of white men, white mothers' sons

When they took Trayvon and then Big Mike, there was no justice and no peace
But when they took Eric Garner with no indictment, it brought us out into the streets

As we strive to speak truth to power, and end all police brutality
We stand against oppression of ALL people and raise up human dignity

When we struggle to gain employment, resist prison and death on the street
We are struggling for the lives of young people and fighting for their liberty

The struggle exists in every sphere of life, as we work to build equity
It's education, voting rights, and immigration, it's addressing our poverty

When we stand together and speak in one voice, for freedom in our communities,
We work to end all forms of discrimination and recognize our humanity

It's easy to sing when you're happy - to sing when you're among friends,
But when you sing above the din of inaction and hatred, you just can't stop until it ends...

To me young people come first, they have the courage where we fail,
And if I can shed some light as they carry us through the gale

Struggling myself don't mean a whole lot, I've come to realize
That teaching others to stand up and fight is the only way our struggle survives

haggadah Section: Songs
Source: Songs of the Spirit - Yavilah McCoy 2018 - Revised from "Ella's Song," original lyrics & music by Bernice Johnson Reagon, 1981