
If God had taken us out of Egypt,

            And not judged the Egyptians,

                        That would have been enough.

If God had judging the Egyptians,

            And not done the same to their gods,

                        That would have been enough.

If God had judged the Egyptian gods,

            And not enacted the plague of the death of the first born,

                        That would have been enough.

If God had enacted the plague of the death of the first born,

            And not given us the spoils,

                        That would have been enough.

If God had given us the spoils,

            And not split the Red Sea,

                        That would have been enough.

If God had split the Red Sea,

            And not helped us pass through the middle,

                        That would have been enough.

If God had helped us pass through the middle of the Red Sea,

            And not closed it over our pursuers,

                        That would have been enough.

If God had closed the sea over our pursuers,

            And not kept us going through our 40 years of wandering in the desert,

                        That would have been enough.

If God had kept us going through our 40 years of wandering in the desert,

            And not fed us manna,

                        That would have been enough.

If God had fed us manna,

            And not given us Shabbat for rest,

                        That would have been enough.

If God had given us Shabbat,

            And not brought us to Mount Sinai,

                        That would have been enough.

If God had brought us to Mount Sinai,

            And not given us the Torah,

                        That would have been enough.

If God had given us the Torah,

            And not let us enter the promised land of Israel,

                        That would have been enough.

If God let us enter the promised land of Israel,

            And not built the Temple for us,

That would have been enough!

haggadah Section: Songs