Vehi Sheamda in Magid appears as far back as early eighth century haggadahs. One interpretation about this passage is that it talks about how Hashem has saved the Jewish people from other nations many times throughout our history. What is remarkable about this is how it still applies to us in today’s time. There are so many people and nations out there that want us gone, but with the help of Hashem, we stay strong. Unfortunately, Israel gets attacks much more than they should. If you think about how few casualties happen compared to the amount of attacks, one would have to try hard to make a case that we are not being protected by Hashem. From long ago, He has protected us and helped us overcome any challenges we faced as a nation. 

Today, we are all living in a scary time. Even though many of us were, or know someone who was directly affected by this virus, we must continue to have faith and trust that Hashem will see us through this dark time as he did for us in Egypt. We must remember that Hashem is with us, even though it may be hard. During Pesach, we look back at everything Hashem has done for us. We went from being slaves, to being freed all because of Him. We made it to Eretz Israel because of him. No matter how dark we think things get, He will be there to shine a light.

Source for inspiration:

Original idea. 

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story