A Passover Prayer in the Age of Coronavirus

Why is this night different from all other nights? Why is this Passover different from all
other Passovers?
On this Passover, when a pandemic threatens our collective health on an unimaginable
scale, we are called to respond with the power of our humanity, with the Divine spirit
implanted within us, with our legacy of hope and determination to prevail.
We pray for the at risk, the isolated, the stricken, the mourners.
We pray for those who have dedicated their lives to keeping us healthy—doctors, nurses,
health-care workers—and all who sustain our hospitals and health-care institutions—
existing and makeshift—operating under trying circumstances.
We pray for the first responders—police officers, fire fighters, military personnel who
have been marshalled to the cause—all who are responsible for the safety of our
We pray for our elected officials, who can save lives with wise leadership.
May God bless all of our public servants and watch over them.
On this Passover, when so many are separated from one another at a traditional time of
being together, we reach out to one another with renewed love and compassion. When
someone is missing from our Seder table, we tell their story as if they are with us. When
there is personal sadness, we respond with communal solidarity, empathy, and fortitude.
On this Passover, not “all who are hungry can come and eat” and not “all who are in need
can come and celebrate Passover.” In response, we commit all the days of our year to a
heightened awareness of Passover’s values—to freeing the enslaved, to feeding the
hungry, to sheltering the homeless, to supporting the poor. We rededicate ourselves to
rekindling and cherishing our Passover traditions for all the years of our future, when
light will overcome darkness, when health will overcome infirmity.
Dear God, “Spread over us Your canopy of peace . . . Shelter us in the shadow of Your
wings . . .Guard us and deliver us. . . Guard our coming and our going, grant us life and
peace, now and always.”
All: “This year we are slaves, next year we will be free.”

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: AJC Haggadah Supplement 2020