Not to be confused with....

Washing your hands, for most people, is a mundane and normal thing to do.  It requires little to no thought, and can almost be automatic.  So what's so special about something everyone does all the time?  Well, like all good things when one has access to it all the time one begins to take it for granted.  When you feel the refreshing water flow over your hands take a second to appreciate something you might never have thought twice of: Clean running water.  Appreciation and remembrance are central themes to Passover, as we retell the story of how our ancestors were freed by G-d from the evils of slavery. We retell these times of bondage so that we can remember what it was like to live without freedom.  Remembering what Egypt was like helps us to better apriciate life now and all its blessings.  Everyone, you may wash your hands!

haggadah Section: Urchatz