וּרְחַץ  - II. URHATZ / Hand Washing

Tonight is a festive occasion, a night in which we do special things. At our Seder tonight we will wash our hands at the table, as a way to prepare for the special night which is in front of us, and to wash our hearts of fear and prejudice of others.  (No prayer is said)

 We wash in preparation for eating the vegetable (Karpas). Since the need for such washing was questioned after the Rabbinic period and washing before eating vegetables fell ultimately into disuse except for the Seder, no blessing is required. A bowl and pitcher full of water is brought to the table. Each person pours water once over each hand, and dries them on a towel. When everyone has washed their hands, continue with the Seder.

haggadah Section: Urchatz