The Four Cups

 Jacky the juggler is four inches small,

 but he'll juggle the four cups and not one will fall.

 Each cup is filled up with red wine to its top.

 They dance through the air but he won't spill a drop.

 Sari is trying to tickle his toes,

 and she's wiggling a feather right under his nose.

 But Jacky keeps juggling. His eyes are now closed.

 His feet in the air and one hand on the ground,

 the four cups keep spinning around and around.

 He sings through the Kiddush. He reads the Haggadah.

 He's balancing now on the top of a ladder.

 He's saying the Grace that we say after meals.

 The cups are still spinning like wobbly wheels.

 He's finished the Hallel, he's started to snore,

 but he still keeps on juggling, asleep on the floor.

 They're dancing like ducklings, they're spinning like tops--

 I don't think that Jacky-boy ever will stop.


haggadah Section: Kadesh