
 Rabban Gamaliel Omer...


 Rabban Gamaliel has something to tell,

 so we'd better all listen to him very well.

 He says that each person must mention these three

 if he wants his whole seder to go perfectly.

 Tonight these three things might be found in your parlor--

 They are: Pesah and Matzah and Maror.

 Pesah, the lamb that the Jews would prepare

 at the time that the Temple was still standing there,

 to remind us of how our ancestors were saved,

 how they marched out of Egypt and stopped being slaves.

 It wasn't a soup and it wasn't a stew.

 It was more like roast lamb in a big Bar-B-Q.

 We try to remember that lamb, if we're able,

 by keeping a bone of some sort on the table.

 Matzah, this strange flat and hard, crunchy bread

 was the food that our forefathers ate when they fled.

 They didn't have time to make something more tasty

 like chocolate cake or cherry-cream pastry,

 because their departure was ever so hasty.

 The trip out of Egypt was all so haphazard,

 they left mountains of matzah-crumbs all through the desert.

 Manny, our matzah-dog, eats it by tons.

 He'll have two hundred matzahs before the night's done.

 The third thing is Maror. These herbs are so bitter!

 Let's give some to Marvin, our mean baby-sitter!


 Zekher La-Mikdash Ke-Hillel...

Hillel, while the Temple stood,

 made sandwiches he thought were good.

 They had no jam of mozzarelly, tuna-fish or vermicelli--

 just matzah, maror and some meat.

 He thought they were a super treat

 (but there are lots of things I'd rather eat).

haggadah Section: Koreich
Source: http://www.jewishmag.com/jimmenu/passover.htm