This part of the seder, Tzafun, is all about the afikomen. Here the parents of the seder hide a part of the matzah (afikomen) and offer a prize to whoever retrieves it. It is eaten at the end of a seder, and it can't be completed without it. That is why kids are praised when they find it. What meaning could finding a peice of burnt cracker symbolize? The afikomen is hidden away from everyone, which deeply means the liberation of the jews. The jews' freedom was hidden away and Moses was the person to uncover it. The afikomen is a dessert and end to the seder, just like salvation (thanks to moses) was the end of a lifetime's bitter slavery. Moses found the true 'afikomen' and set the jews free from an awful life and gave them a renewel of mind when they entered Israel. Tzafun is important to the seder because it symbolizes the deliverance of the jews hidden away for many years, to Moses finding it and setting the jews free. 

haggadah Section: Tzafun