
Tzafun is the part of the Seder when we eat the Afikomen. One tradition after you find the Afikomen is that the person who finds it gets a prize. After we finish eating our meals, the head of the Seder takes the half piece of matzah that was put away after Yachatz, takes a piece, and splits the rest up into pieces for the other people at the table. We should eat the Afikomen comfortably while we’ve eaten enough but still have room for dessert. We eat the Afikomen in memory of the Passsover sacrifice which was served at the end of the meal. Tzafun is like the dessert of the Seder.

The word "Tzafun" literally means "Hidden." During this part of the seder we bring the Afikomen out of hiding.

Discussion Question:

Why do you think we sometimes get a prize for finding the Afikomen? (Hint: You need the Afikomen to finish the Seder)


haggadah Section: Tzafun