10. 4 words: "Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Haggada" 

9. Charlie Sheen is attending and will perform a paragraph entitled "The Warlock Son" 

8. You skip straight to the meal: That'll get 'em asking questions

7. Hagaddah now has an improvisational part about Rabbi Akiva, R' Tarfon and R' Eliezer pulling an all- nighter...in Vegas

 6. T op Chef: Charoset Quick-Fire challenge

5. Your neighbor is bringing live frogs 

4. The handmade matzah your stoner brother made smells "special" 

3. Make your own Afikomen Ice Cream sundaes! (cue the kosher for passover Marshmallow toppings) 

2. For the new 11th plague for Hosni Mubarak called "Facebook", family members are asked to give Seder status updates that don't involve the words "I'm starving"

1. One cat, one baby, one cage

haggadah Section: Commentary / Readings
Source: www.bangitout.com