Time to eat!

We now draw our attention to the two empty cups on the table--one of which is for the Prophet Elijah, and the other for the Prophet Miriam.

Tradition teaches us that each of these biblical characters plays an important part of bringing redemption. It is said that that the Prophet Elijah visits Passover Seders to check to see if we are all truly ready to welcome the stranger. To Elijah we each offer a little bit of wine from our own cups as a symbolic gesture of our readiness for redemption.

To honor the Prophet Miriam, we each pour not wine, but water into a cup. According to tradition, Miriam sustained the Israelites in the desert with water from her well, and to this day her life-giving waters still flow into wells everywhere,sustaining us all as we work to bring redemption.

And so we open the door and pass around Elijah’s and Miriam’s cups so that each of us can honor them. Let anyone who is hungry join us in this celebration.

OK, we made it...Dinner is served!

haggadah Section: Shulchan Oreich