A Passover Greeting: Let Us Extend Our Love and Connection

A Passover Greeting: Let Us Extend Our Love and Connection

BY RABBI RICK JACOBS, President Union for Reform Judaism, 3/24/2021

After more than 12 months of global pandemic, Passover is the holiday we so desperately need – an opportunity to reflect on where we’ve been, how far we’ve come, and where we have yet to go. As we retell the story of our Exodus from Egypt, so too do we recall our current journey through this long period of isolation and change.

Our stories of the past year echo the master story of our people; we remember the struggle against oppression then and now, and we commit ourselves to continuing to pursue a more just and compassionate world as together we say l’shanah haba-ah bi-Y'rushalayim, next year in Jerusalem – and next year, finally, together in person.

Sending you and your loved ones blessings for a happy, healthy Passover,

Rabbi Rick Jacobs

haggadah Section: Introduction