Third Cup of Wine

Let the third cup of wine symbolize solidarity. We've been talking about queer liberation throughout this whole seder, so it's important to set aside some time before we finish to remember that queer liberation cannot happen outside of the broader liberation fights, as we touched on while eating the Maror. Hetero- and cis-normativity are inextricably tied to racism, classism, ableism, and many more perceptions of what makes a man & woman. Black women and poor women are denied womanhood just as trans women are, even if it's in different ways. Undocumented people are sought out to be fired from jobs in similar ways that queer people were during the Red Scare. Muslims are singled out in airports just as gender-non-conforming people are. Before we drink, take some time to discuss ways that we can root our fight for queer liberation in the broader liberation movement. 

Baruch atah adonai eloheinu melech ha'olam borei pri hagafen.

Blessed is the Eternal, determiner of theuniverse, who creates the fruit of the vine. 

haggadah Section: Bareich