Our land is blessed with material abundance, as well as the liberty to speak, gather, love and so much more. However, the liberty to cross borders has been stolen from many individuals who are enslaved by our own prejudices. Today many politicians labor to enshrine their personal faith restrictions, denying the religious freedoms of others by upending their human rights, subjecting them to undue restrictions and scrutiny. As we celebrate Passover, we renew a commitment to safeguard those who do not celebrate Passover, who are fleeing their own Egypts in search for a modern Canaan. So we raise the cup and recall: Our heartaches, our promises, their fulfillment and our commitment to establish fairness and freedom for all. And we recommit ourselves to strengthen and extend the promise of religious freedom to people of all religions from all parts of the globe.

haggadah Section: Commentary / Readings
Source: Rabbi Dennis S. Ross