The Wicked Child asks, "What is this work you are doing?" He does not include himeself! We answer, "If you would have been in Egypt, you would not have been redeemed." This question and answer do not seem connected. What is he asking? What are we answering?

The Wicked Child is saying that he only keeps the Mitzvot when they make sense to him. We answer, then the blood on the doorpost would not have made sense to you and you would not have been saved. This teaches us that sometimes we just need to have Emunah (faith) in Hashem. We need to have the Emuna, the faith that כל מה שה' עושה הכל לטובה  everything that Hashem does is for the good, even if things look bad, they are supposed to happen to us. The message is to have Emunah.

haggadah Section: -- Four Children