
Dip your finger in wine 3 times and dab the wine onto your plate as you say:

Blood, Fire, and Smoke

With each plagues dip your finger in wine and dab the wine on your plate.

Blood - Dam - דם

Frogs - Tz'fardeia - צפרדע

Lice - Kinim - כינים

Swarms (Wild animals or flies) - Arov - ערוב

Death of Livestock - Dever - דבר

Boils - Sh'chin - שחין

Flaming Hail - Barad - ברד

Locusts - Arbeh - ארבה

Darkness - Choshech - חשך

Death of the Firstborn - Makat HaBechorot - מכת הבכורות

Dip your finger in wine 3 times and dab the wine onto your plate as you say:

D'tzach, Adash, B'achav (דצ״ך אד״ש ב״אחב)

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues