As my brother Graie Hagans teaches, the plagues were a violent escalation in tactics and they had real consequences for the lives of the Egyptians. So tonight as we recall these plagues by dripping wine on our plates, may we remeber the suffering of those who expereienced them and never forget that in this life as we know it, there is always a cost to freedom.

Blood |   Dom  | דָּם

Frogs |   Tzfardeyah  | צְפֵרְדֵּע

Lice |   Kinim  | כִּנִים

Beasts |   Arov  | עָרוֹב

Cattle Plague |   Dever  | דֶּבֶר

Boils |   Sh’chin  | שְׁחִין

Hail |   Barad  | בָּרד

Locusts |   Arbeh  | אַרְבֶּה

Darkness |   Choshech  | חשֶׁךְ

Slaying of First Born |  Makat Bechorot  | מַכַּת בְּכוֹרוֹת

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues