The Ten Plagues

Next Participant: Wait, Back up. Did you mention plagues?

Leader: Yes, ten to be exact. Please fill your cups with wine. As we fill our cups with wine to celebrate the jews who escaped oppression, we remmeber that our happiness is not complete. The Egyptians, who we are connected to in our humanity, also suffered from the Pharoah's evil ways. Because of this, we will spill a drop of wine from our cups with our finger as we say each plague

Next participant: Blood. Frogs. Lice. Beasts. Cattle diseases. Boils. Hail. Locusts. Darkness. Slaying of the firstborn. 

Leader: Would anyone like to add any plagues that we are facing today and what are part is in overcoming them? *have discussion* 

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues