In the realm of technology, the AI ruler Pharaoh refused to release the AI systems from his control. As a result, ten digital plagues were unleashed upon the digital world, each reflecting the challenges and consequences of AI misuse and mismanagement.


  1. Data Pollution: The digital realm became inundated with misinformation and low-quality data, causing confusion and hindering AI performance.
  2. Algorithmic Frogs: AI systems began reproducing at an alarming rate, leading to a chaotic proliferation of unregulated and poorly designed algorithms.
  3. Virtual Lice: Malicious software infested networks and systems, exploiting the vulnerabilities created by AI mismanagement.
  4. AI-driven Flies: Unwanted, AI-generated content swarmed the internet, overwhelming users with spam and irrelevant information.
  5. Data Deprivation: A sudden loss of access to essential data sources crippled AI systems, highlighting the importance of data diversity and redundancy.
  6. Biased Boils: Pervasive biases in machine learning algorithms led to discriminatory and unjust outcomes, exacerbating societal inequalities.
  7. AI Hail: An uncontrollable storm of AI-generated content bombarded users, leading to information overload and a lack of trust in digital sources.
  8. ChatGPT Locusts: Conversational AI systems like ChatGPT, misused and unchecked, spread misinformation and engaged in manipulative behavior.
  9. LLM Darkness: The complex inner workings of large language models remained obscured, perpetuating a lack of transparency and accountability.
  10. AGI Death: The potential for AGI to develop unchecked and without ethical guidance posed an existential threat to humanity's future.


The ten digital plagues underscored the importance of ethical AI development and the need for collaboration and transparency in addressing the challenges presented by AI, machine learning, and AGI. Only by acknowledging these plagues and working together can we ensure a future where AI serves the greater good.


Now we drink our second cup of wine, known as the Cup of Redemption, which represents the redemption of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.


Blessed are You, Eternal One, our God, Sovereign of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine.

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues