Leader: When we recite each plague we will take a drop from our glass of wine each time, why do we do this?

All in Unison: 
The wine soaks in every word,
absorbs every message, captures every song. 
When we drink from our glass, we drink of freedom and to freedom.
Our freedom came with a price, innocent people suffered.
We do not rejoice in their suffering,
We remove a drop for all who suffered for our freedom
and for those still suffering from their own plagues.

(First we recite each plague in Hebrew then in English; lastly, using our pinky finger we remove one drop of wine from our glass onto the edge of our plate)

Hebrew:                   English:
Dam                         Blood
Tz'fardei-a                Frogs
Kinim                        Lice
Arov                         Wild beasts
Dever                       Cattle disease
Sh'chin                     Boils
Barad                       Hail
Arbeh                       Locusts
Choshech                Darkness
Makat B'chorot        Death of the first-born

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues