The story does not begin with Egypt, but with Abraham, The Torah teaches
Arami oved avi ​translated “My father was a wandering Aramean” because before Abraham set
on his journey he lived in Padan Aram, the land that is today Syria, He left at G*d’s call to find a
land that was promised.

A Seder is a time to think about what it means to come from traditions that started with a prophet
who wandered. Who had to be a newcomer and a stranger, different from those around us.
When some of Abraham’s children went into Egypt and became slaves, they once more felt the
vulnerability of being stranger in a strange land. This time, however, they were made to be
slaves and put to backbreaking labor by a cruel Pharaoh. And then “With an outstretched arm and mighty hand, did G*d take them from bondage”

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story