
Brucha Haba'a.  Welcome to our Seder.  Today we are gathering after more than a year of a deadly plague to celebrate the exodus, in a world and in a country which deprives so many of freedom.  As we honor the tradition of the seder, we do so virtually, in a way that those who originated this tradition, and those who have sustained it for millenia, could never have imagined.  As we observe each ritual of the seder meal, we will reflect on tradition - both the meanings we can find in it, and the ways in which it can change.  Throughout the seder, we have set aside opportunities for us to reflect on these questions, and any others which we as a community come up with: How do traditions start? How does necessity play a role in tradition? How do traditions change?

Because singing together in a virtual setting is difficult, during songs it will probably be easiest for all but one of us to mute our microphones. While I'm willing to lead every song if no one else wants to, I hope anyone who wants to lead a song (or many songs) will volunteer.

haggadah Section: Introduction