Liana: There are a few things on the Seder plate that we haven't yet explained.

The shank bone represents the Pesach, the lamb sacrifice made in the days of the Temple to honor the Passover sacrifice. Pesach comes from the Hebrew word "to pass over,” because God passed over the houses of our ancestors.  We think it's hard find the Shank bone, imagine slaughtering a lamb on the deck.

The matzah reminds us how suddenly our freedom came, there was no time to pack or prepare. Our ancestors grabbed whatever dough was made and set out on their journey, letting their dough bake into matzah as they fled.

The bitter herbs remind us of the bitterness of slavery, which no person should be subjected to, Jewish or not.

What else in our lives can we relate these to?  What other groups or people have expirienced similar hardships?

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu