The Plague Song (Tune - This Old Man)

Then God sent - Plague number one

Turned the Nile into blood

All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty low

They told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"

Then God sent - Plague number two

Jumping frogs all over you

All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty low

They told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"

Then God sent - Plague number three

Swarms of gnats from head to knee

All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty low

They told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"

Then God sent - Plague number four

Filthy flies, need we say more

All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty low

They gold Pharaoh "Let them Go!"

Then God sent - Plague number five

All the livestock up and died

All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty low

They told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"

Then God sent - Plague number six

Boils and sores to make you sick

All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty low

They gold Pharaoh "Let them Go!"

Then God sent - Plague number seven

Hail and lightning down from heaven

All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty low

They told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"

Then God sent - Plague number eight

Locust came and they sure ate.

All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty low

They told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"

Then God sent - Plague number nine

Total darkness all the time

All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty low

They told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"

Then God sent - Plague number ten

Pharaoh's son died so he gave in

All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty low

Finally Pharaoh "Let them Go!"

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues