Later tonight, we will read "In every generation, one must see oneself as if one had personally experienced the Exodus from Egypt." The seder allows us to make that symbolic journey. Here is the order of the seder:

Kadesh (Blessing over the Wine): We'll drink the first cup.

Urchatz (Wash Hands): We do this one without reciting the blessing.

Karpas (Eat a Vegetable): After this we can snack on foods that come from the ground!

Yachatz (Break the Middle Matzah): Start keeping an eye on that afikomen

Maggid (Tell the Story of the Exodus): Highlights include the Four Questions, the second cup of wine, the Four Children, and God's outstretched arm

Rachtza (Wash Hands before the Meal): This time we say the blessing.

Motzi Matzah (Blessing over the Matzah)

Maror (Eat the Bitter Herb): Taste the bitterness of slavery.

Korech (Eat the Maror with Matzah)

Shulchan Orech (Eat the Meal): Put the Haggadah away and dig in!

Tzafun (Find and Eat the Afikomen): You didn't keep a close enough eye on the afikomen. Go find it; it's our dessert!

Barech (Grace After Meals): We drink the third cup of wine and open the door for Elijah.

Hallel (Praises): This is when we drink the final cup of wine.

Nirtzah (Conclusion)  Next Year in Jerusalem  and all your favorite songs.

haggadah Section: Introduction