The Orange Seder Plate

Each of the six items arranged on the plate has special significance to the retelling of the story of Passoverthe exodus from Egypt—which is the focus of this ritual meal.

זרוֹע Zeroa--------------------Shank Bone

The Shank Bone is placed on the seder plate to represent the lamb that was sacrificed to pass over our ancestors' houses to save our newborns. It also represents the sacrifices we have had to make to keep us safe.חֲרֽוֹסֶת

חֲרֽוֹסֶת charoset------------A sweet dish with dates

The charoset represents the mortar that our ancestors used to create the pyramids in Egypt. It also represents the sweetness of our current blessings.

ביצה‎ Beitzah------------------Egg

A hard-boiled egg was traditionally served to mourners after a funeral, to remind us of the cycle of life. It also represents that in the bitterest of times there is also hope.

מָרוֹר‎ Maror--------------------Bitter Herb (Horseradish) 

The bitter herb represents the bitterness and harshness that we have to face in our lives. It also represents the bitterness and harshness of the slavery that the Hebrews endured in Egypt.  

כַּרְפַּס Karpas------------------Parsley 

Parsley represents a reminder of the green sprouting up all around us during spring and is used to dip into the saltwater.

כָּתוֹם Catom-------------------Orange

The orange represents the inclusion of everyone and that we are now able to choose who we love. It also reminds us that Judaism continues to adapt to unforeseen circumstances.

haggadah Section: Introduction