In this stage of the seder, we are called to make a hillel sandwich, combining the bitter herbs and sweet charoset on a piece of matzah. It reminds us that the sweetness of freedom and the bitterness of slavery go hand in hand, and we must remember that not all of us our free. 

It's important to understand that the freedom and safety of the jewish community does not come from opressing others and creating an apartheid state in the middle east. Borders and walls do not make any of us safer, and the sooner we understand this the sooner we will all be free. 

Revolution by DAM 

It takes revolution to find a solution

Wars are begun by the victorious
They plan the war and rewrite history
We are all soldiers in a game of chess
The King makes all our moves
I, a soldier will get rid of him
But alone I can’t change this Hell to Heaven

It takes revolution to find a solution

This situation reminds me of Apartheid and Nelson Mandela
Didn’t he say Gandhi flowers don’t always work
So to all the people of love and peace
How can we have co-existence when we don’t even exist

It takes revolution to find a solution

You broke my legs but I’m still walking
You closed my eyes but I can still see
I see therefore I fear my destiny
I see therefore I feel danger and the fear it causes

It takes revolution to find a solution

Fighting for your rights
Will always be met with confrontation
Never fear as this will only strengthen the fight
It nourishes the rebel tree
Come sit up in this tree and you will see
A freedom that will carry us over mountains
But many more mountains will await us

It takes revolution to find a solution

To change the situation we need a revolution
The refugee camps need a revolution
To fight racism we need a revolution
In our city we need a revolution
To fight this propaganda we need a revolution

haggadah Section: Koreich