In this unique historical moment, we reflect on the Four Children at the first Passover Seder who sought answers for an experience that they were struggling to understand. Like them, we also struggle and so these four responses to a moment of crisis help us understand not just the world around us, but the world within ourselves as well. 

1. Why is this happening and what is to be done? 

This response understands that this crisis is not the result of a natural, impartial coincidence and, furthermore, recognizes how a better world can and must grow from the ashes of the old. 

2. What will happen to me?

This is a cry for consolation and a reminder that this is a shared experience and through solidarity our collective care can lead to collective liberation.

3. Who can be blamed?  

To understand this response we turn to author Naomi Klein who writes: “In moments of crisis, people are willing to hand over a great deal of power to anyone who claims to have a magic cure.”

4. [silence]

This response cries for out for our guidance and deserves an explanation of the moment we find ourselves in and how it makes visible the machinery of our oppression.

haggadah Section: Maggid - Beginning