The Four Questions

At this point in the seder, we traditionally call on our youngest member to pose the Four Questions. These questions remind us to reflect on the  process of questioning and remembering why it is we do things as we have done them for so long. We take stock of the status quo, of our daily habits and rituals. As our youngest leads us in this process of reflection, we must look back into ourselves to question our own habits.

In addition to asking ourselves why it is we always eat leavened bread, we may ask what happens when water shortages cause a global agricultural crisis, the very source of this bread? We must continue to ask ourselves about our habitual dependence on fossil fuels. We must remember all that we take for granted every single day: healthy food, reliable electricity, moderate weather, safe homes, beautiful landscapes, and unflooded shorelines. As we deviate from our everyday customs on this special night, that not every person has the ability to sustain what we consider to be norms every day.

Why is this night different from all other nights?
Ma nishtana halayla hazeh mikol haleylot
ַמה ִנְשַתָנה ַהַלְיָלה ַהֶזה ִמָכל ַהֵלילוֹת?

[Why] on all other nights [do] we eat leavened bread and matza, [but] on this night, only matza?
Shebechol haleylot anu ochlin chametz u matzah, halayla hazeh kulo matza?
ֶש ְבּ ָכל ַה ֵלילוֹת ָאנוּ אוֹ ְכ ִלין ָח ֵמץ וּ ַמ ָצה, ַה ַל ְי ָלה ַה ֶזה - ֻכלוֹ ַמ ָצה?

[Why] on all other nights [do] we eat all kinds of vegetables, [but] on this night, bitter herbs?
Shebchol haleylot anu ochlin she’ar yerakot, halayla hazeh maror?
ֶש ְבּ ָכל ַה ֵלילוֹת ָאנוּ אוֹ ְכ ִלין ְש ָאר ְיָרקוֹת, - ַה ַלְי ָלה ַהֶזה ָמרוֹר?

[Why] on all other nights we do not dip even once, [but] on this night [we dip] twice?
Shebechol haleylot ein anu matbilin afilu pa'am echat, halayla hazeh sh'tei pe’amim?
ֶשְבּ ָכל ַהֵלילוֹת ֵאין ָאנוּ ַמ ְטִבּיִלין ֲא ִפילוּ ַפ ַעם ֶא ָחת, - ַהַלְיָלה ַהֶזה ְשֵתי ְפ ָע ִמים?

[Why] on all other nights [do] we eat sitting or reclining, [but] on this night, everyone reclines?
Shebechol haleylot anu ochlin bein yoshvin uvein mesubin,halayla hazeh kulanu mesubin?
ֶש ְבּ ָכל ַה ֵלילוֹת ָאנוּ אוֹ ְכ ִלין ֵבּין יוֹ ְש ִבין וּ ֵבין ְמ ֻס ִבּין, - ַה ַל ְי ָלה ַה ֶזה ֻכ ָלנוּ ְמ ֻס ִבּין?

Additional questions can be asked related to environmental threats, for example: 

1. Why is this period different from all other periods? At all other periods, only local regions faced environmental threats. Today the entire world is threatened. 

2. Why isnt there more activism about current environmental threats?

3. Why is modern intensive livestock agriculturr that uses vast amounts of water, fueld, resources, chemical fertilizer, pesticifes and other resources continue to restroy habitats and is favoured over a simpler diets?

haggadah Section: -- Four Questions