It’s our job as varsity - and soon to be varsity - to make sure that we’re presenting debate in ways that reach all different kinds of novices?

What does the novice who has had a forum account since this summer say?
This novice asks, “How can I get higher on the NOTY board?"
You must teach this novice how to chill the fuck out.

What does the obnoxious white male novice say?
This novice asks, “Why did my awesome case drop to female varsity again???”
You should explain to this novice what ‘privilege’ and ’sexism’ mean.

What does the first tournament novice say?
This novice asks, “What is a ’tight-call’?”
You must try to steer this novice away from the dark side. 

What about the novice who never comes to practice?
Help this novice ask.
Start by lying through your teeth:
“Hey, did you hear about how great debate parties are?"

haggadah Section: -- Four Children