The Four Children of Social Isolation

The wise one says: “What are the data that will enable me to understand this situation at a local, national and international level?”

Then you shall show them Dr John Campbell’s videos, advise them to avoid too much social media and direct them to their local ‘Next Door’ group.

The wicked one says, “Why is this important to you?  I’m going sunbathing in the park”. 

Then you shall socially distance yourself from them to protect your family.  You cannot know who will be redeemed, but you can stay away from covidiots.

The simple ones says, “What’s going on?”

Then you shall convey the facts in lay terms, avoiding sensationalism.  You shall not go on and on, as this person is likely either to switch off or to become distressed.

As for the one who does not ask, they may have hidden fears that they won’t or can’t voice.  Be a listening ear for them, and allow them to talk about other things until they’re ready to share whatever is on their mind.

haggadah Section: -- Four Children