The Wise Child: How did we get here? What can we do to minimize harm? How do we continue to care for one another? What kind of future do we want?

This child understands that this crisis is not the result of a natural, impartial coincidence and, furthermore, recognizes how a better world can and must grow from the ashes of the old. 

The Frightened Child: What will happen to me, how will I survive? 

This child should be consoled. Remind them that this is a shared experience and through solidarity our collective care can lead to collective liberation.

The Wicked Child: Who is truly at fault?  

To understand the Wicked Child we turn to author Naomi Klein who writes: “In moments of crisis, people are willing to hand over a great deal of power to anyone who claims to have a magic cure.”

The Child Who Does Not Know How To Ask

Explain to them how the moment we find ourselves in makes visible the machinery of our oppression. Organize them and empower them with the knowledge and tools to join in the work. 

haggadah Section: -- Four Children