our times the Torah bids us to tell our children about the Exodus from Egypt. Four times it repeats: "And you shall tell your child on that day." From this, our tradition infers four kinds of children.  

The wise child asks, “Why would God create the Corona virus?  Why is this bad thing happening to me.”  To that child you answer:   I know this is hard, but don’t give up hope.  Concentrate on the things you can control.   Wash your hands.  Keep your social distance.  Then let’s sit down together and study how our sages, both ancient and modern have tried to answer the question of 
why evil exists.”

The rebellious child rants, “Why do I have to stay inside.  I’m not sick; I’m bored. I want to play with my friends.”  To that child you answer:  “Because Covid-19 is not only about your wishes, it’s a whole community emergency.  We all need to limit our interactions with others to protect the health of the most vulnerable among us and to “flatten the curve” so our health care delivery system does not collapse.” 

The simple child asks, “Why can’t we pack the churches and open up the economy by Easter Sunday.”  To that child you answer.  “It is important that we use the best information and most up to date scientific data we have to reduce community transmission.  It’s tempting to say that  the cure is worse than the disease, but  the evidence says otherwise.  We need to rely on science not emotion to defeat this enemy.

To the child who does not know enough to ask, you say:  If you are anxious or afraid, reach out to your family and friends.  Draw strength from those who love you. and the wisdom of our tradition.  Listen now and take heart as we tell the Passover story.

haggadah Section: -- Four Children