The four sons come up in the מגיד section of the seder. מגיד is in between יחץ and רחצה. 

מגיד Is when we narrate the story of the exodus from Egypt. It is towards the beginning of the sedar. This is the part where we are learning about all the things that happened in Egypt.

The Torah addresses all of Bnei Yisrael and these four sons are all a part of Bnei Yisrael. The reality is that these four sons are actually all within ourselves. A chacham, a smart person. A rasha, a wicked person. A tam, a simple person, and eino yodaya  lishol, a person who cannot ask questions, they are inside of each and every one of us. Each person of Bnei Yisrael during the times of slavery in mitsraim helped a little bit with the nes of leaving. Moshe being the leader and telling Pharaoh to “let my people go” and fighting for it, Moshe’s mom by letting him go into the water, so that he would be saved. And everyone by just not giving up hope in Hashem, because if they did we might not be here today!


haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story