The Four Children

In our Passover Seder, the story of the Four Children is told to emphasize the importance of education and the different ways in which individuals approach learning. Each child represents a unique attitude towards understanding the implications of AI in our lives.

The Wise Child is curious and eager to understand the intricacies of AI. This child asks detailed questions about the ethical implications, societal impacts, and the potential of AI for good and ill. The Wise Child seeks to engage in discussions, research, and collaborations to ensure AI is developed and used responsibly for the betterment of humanity.

The Wicked Child approaches AI with skepticism and self-interest, asking what benefits they can personally gain from this technology. This child may disregard the ethical concerns and the broader impact on society, focusing solely on personal advantage. To guide this child, we emphasize the importance of empathy, responsibility, and the interconnectedness of our world.

The Simple Child asks basic questions about AI, like what it is and how it works. This child may not yet grasp the complexities of AI and its implications but is willing to learn. We patiently explain the concepts and encourage the Simple Child to explore and understand AI's role in shaping our future, emphasizing the values of freedom, compassion, and justice.

The Child Who Does Not Know How to Ask represents those who remain unaware or indifferent to AI's transformative impact on our lives. It is our responsibility to initiate conversations, share knowledge, and engage this child in the discourse surrounding AI, ensuring that they become informed and active participants in shaping a world where technology serves the greater good.

Together, the story of the Four Children teaches us the importance of understanding and engaging with AI from various perspectives, fostering meaningful dialogue, and nurturing a collective responsibility for the ethical development and use of AI technology in our world.

haggadah Section: -- Four Children