The Four Children


SUGGESTED SONG: Teach your children well

Anytime we tell a story, we know that we must appeal to multiple audiences, and perspectives. As teacher’s Danna and Shannon must differentiate for diverse learning styles and needs, Jerry and Sandi, David, Aaron, Sydney, and Bram, and Josh (each in their unique ways) have to anticipate clients needs and wants, and deliver their material according to a wide variety of workplace cultures. Carolyn has different networks to appeal to, Sheba has artist’s works to interpret. David and Sandi have an ever increasing staff of nurses and PSW’s that hey have to impart information to. We must recite, and hear the story of Passover, but the Torah reminds us in the four children (The wise child, the Wicked child, the Simple Child, and the Child who does not know enough to ask) that we must reach every audience. The story must be understood by each and everyone of us, so that we too may repeat it. 

ACTIVITY: In order to understand these children better, and to think about the qualities that they might possess, let’s work together to form these famous foursomes into the archetypes of the four children.


The Wizard of Oz


The Meland Siblings 

haggadah Section: -- Four Children