Rabbi Eliezer, Rabbi Yohoshua, Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya, Rabbi Akiva, and Rabbi Tarfon were reclining at the Seder in Bnai B'rak, and they spent the whole night long telling the story of the Exodus, until their pupils came and said to them: "Our Masters, it is time to recitie the morning Sh'ma!"

Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya said: "Even though I am like a man of sventy, I have never understood why the Exodus should be mentioned at night-time, until ben Zoma explained it to me from the verse, 'That you may remember the day when you come out of Egypt all the days of your life' (Deut 16:3).

'The days of your life' (yamei chayecha) means just the days! BUT 'All the days of your life' (kol yamei chayecha) means the nights as well!"

However, the Rabbis explain:

"'The days of your life' means this life! BUT 'All the days of your life' means the days of the Messiah as well!"

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story