The Fifth Question

Are We There Yet?

Last Passover, we set out on  an anxious journey with the heartfelt wish that next year would be different.
It is.
We are. 
And we have come again in diverse gatherings to question and to hope. 
Are we there yet? Do we even know where “there” is and how far from “here?”
How will we ever know when we arrive?
We are taught that we were all freed from Egypt. Yet, we learn from each new day that we escaped from slavery only to find new Pharaohs, only to discover that  the wilderness is not only under our feet, it’s in our hearts ...and we wander still. 
May this very different night of altered ancient rituals inspire and enlighten us, not to banish our wilderness, but to tent there and make it bloom.
I'd like to invite everyone to take a moment to reflect on the past year.
What in your life is different than it was a year ago? What is the same? And what do you hope will be different a year from today?
You can share your answers out loud or put in the chat if you prefer.

haggadah Section: -- Four Questions