Take a piece of matzah, place some Haroset and some Maror on it and recite this prayer as you eat.

We are aware tonight that there is a sweetness lying inside our bitter conditions,
Just as there is a light forever shining for us in the darkness.
It is our mission to uncover the blessings hiding inside the curses tonight.
We are learning new lessons day by day.
We are filled with Gratitude:
For the food on our table.
For having a place to seek shelter in.
For doctors and nurses and all those risking their lives to save life.
For scientists seeking answers and treatments and cures.
For Zoom and FaceTime and all the technological advances that permit us to connect remotely tonight and each day.
For the love and support of family and friends.
For the kindness of souls volunteering to help.
For suddenly realizing how precious life is.
For the power to quiet fear.
For the courage to be optimistic and patient.
For nature’s beauty.
For inner strength and for inner peace.
For honest conversations that feel real and deep and true.
For time to slow down and take stock.
For quality time at home with those we love.
For the sacred space to go within and uncover wells of creativity that have been lying dormant…

Ask everyone participating in your Seder to share a blessing that they have uncovered
while sheltering in place during this coronavirus.

This Passover we choose to embrace the blessings that are waiting for us
even in the midst of this curse, Amen.

haggadah Section: Koreich
Source: https://nashuva.com/passover-prayers-for-your-seder-during-this-pandemic