“In the merit of the righteous women Israel were redeemed from Egypt, and in their merit the future generations will be redeemed.”

That line is from the Talmud, but it couldn’t be more relevant today. The future is female, states the rallying cry, and there’s nowhere that’s been more evident than in the last 100 years, as female activists have been the champions of social change from the suffragettes to #MeToo, #TimesUp, and the Women’s March. That’s just the movement side, though —underlying it all there are thousands, if not millions, of women just like you and me out there fighting for change in our personal lives, our schools, our workplaces, our homes, our communities, our societies.

Luckily we have some great role models to follow. A couple thousand years ago, our Israelite ancestors were fighting for social change in the midst of Egyptian exile… And while Moses might be considered the main character of Passover, it was a host of best female supporting actors that got us over the finish line.

Feeling down on yourself today? Wondering how you can ever make a difference? Unsure you can even handle your uncle’s uncomfortable comments at Passover seder, let alone change the world? Buckle up for some inspiration from your Israelite ancestral matriarchs, and carry that warrior goddess power forward!

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story
Source: Rishe Groner for Hey Alma